Wednesday, August 7, 2013

crandpass V5 released!

Just completed the crandpass script.  I am considering this feature complete and have also not only releasing a tarball with this version but an RPM as well.  Repositories for the package can now be found on the OpenBuild service and hopefully I can get it in the mail OpenSUSE repositories for 13.1 since it is such a simple, elegant script.

From changelog:
VERSION 5: 20130803
  * ADDED spec file for rpm package creation.
  * CHANGED file structure of project folder.
  * CHANGED README file is now up to date.
VERSION 4: 20130802
  * ADDED hexadecimal password creation options (-H)
VERSION 3: 20130802
  * CHANGED default passwords created to 1. This is to make the program script friendly so that it can be re-used.
  * ADDED support for controling case
  * ADDED support for character control: letters, numbers, and symbols can now be includued or excluded.
  * ADDED symbol support.

Usage: crandpass -c 1 -l 32 -s random
  -h   print this help message
  -A   alphabetic characters options:
      0  x  exlude       exclude letters
      1  l  lower        use only lowercase
      2  u  upper        use only uppercase
      3  m  mix          use mixed case (default)
  -c   number of passwords to create (default: 1)
  -H   create hexadecimal passwords
      1  l  lower        use lowercase
      2  u  upper        use uppercase
  -l   length of passwords (default: 32)
  -N   numerical character options:
      0  x  exclude      exclude numbers
      1  i  include      include numbers (default)
  -s   source of the passwords (default: random)
      r  random          use /dev/random
      u  urandom         use /dev/urandom
  -S   symbol character options:
      0  x  exclude      exclude symbols (default)
      1  i  include      include symbols
  -v   print version number

As you can see, this new version as added options to create passwords of varying complexity using a very simple command structure.

Version 5 - MD5 sum: 3119dce71b76943e57c626b0d31eac6c
OpenBuild Service:

Packages exist for: CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mandriva, and Red Hat RHEL.